New corporate brochure ‘Passion for Grass’

For a general presentation of our company, the corporate brochure has been renewed recently. In addition to our pay off Great in Grass, the theme of this brochure is Passion for Grass: a passion that you share with your customers to get the best out of grass.

The content of the company presentation is based on the five core values of the Group: International, Innovation, Quality, Partnership and Marketing.


Some statements in the brochure:.

International: “ Our first international publication in the United States was titled ‘Money in Grass’. It dates back to 1910. A century later, that claim rings more true than ever”     

Innovation: “How can we find a sustainable way of contributing to feeding nine billion people, the number that will have to be met by 2015?”


Available versions

The new brochure is available in three languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese (for Brazil).  Several facts & figures are also to be found  in this brochure. The up-to-date version of the content is always available on the website